“An artificial intelligence, created with the aim of designing architectures in the most diverse environments, begins to wonder about its existence once humanity has disappeared. Not having a purpose anymore , it decides to create one last building, a refuge where he can rest forever. But during the realization of this project, it discovers it has exceeded the limits of its programming, to arrive at the conclusion of being something more, more than a mere machine.”
“I AM (more)” is my first work in Unreal Engine, started as a thesis for my Master Degree in Digital architecture, it became my way to learn this amazing software through setting goal. All the work, from concept to final delivery, was done in less than a month of effective work (mostly evenings and weekends, cause of my full time work in the studio) in March 2023.
Tools I used are, for what concerns the technical and graphical part: 3dsmax / tyflow / Unreal Engine 5. Kitbash Brutalist Kit was also used.
AI tools were used too in the making of the project. This was an opportunity to test them and reflect about them. After writing down the the story and the storyboard, I used ChatGpt to help me write a draft of the speech for the voiceover. The voice too, was recorded thanks to Replica Studios AI text to speech. The design of the final architecture, was modeled after generating some sketches with Midjourney. All of this, reinforce the narration of the project, creating a sort of “break of the fourth wall”: the protagonist of the film is an AI, and an AI wrote the speech and designed his own final architecture.
Thank you and hope you enjoy.